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About Abhishek Institute of Professional Studies

The Abhihek Institute of Professional Studies is situated at Gudi Guda Ka Naka Tiraha, Gwalior Instituted at the time when there is an actual need to have quality in Education and Improvement in Education System in the state of M.P. The aips has its own building of around 30000 sq.ft. in total area in campus and the society is going to construct its own other college building on the land purchased for the same purpose having more than five acres of land in the city area. The aips provide insight and knowledge to improve students personality.

We will provid the conceptual knowledge through highly qualified and experienced staff, rich and updated library and practical knowledge in well equipped and furnished laboratories.

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Aims & Objectives :

The general Aims of the aips is to prepare the students to assume responsible in preventive, promotive and curative care of the learner or working teachers by which they can be act as a well qualified and trained teacher to teach the students. They are prepared to assume first level positions in all areas of study and are expected to participate in teaching and managerial function as well. The specific objective are as follow :

  1. To meet the acute shortage of qualified teaching personnel in the state of M.P. as well as country in general.
  2. To promote and strengthen the Teacher's skills for better competence in teaching profession in general.
  3. To produce Better Teachers for Administration and Education in the Schools as well as Offices for better implementation of the National Education Programme.
  4. To provide qualified teachers to the country to cope with advancement in Educational and management field.
  5. To enable them to get Job Opportunities at economically better positions in this age.
  6. Working together we help to achieve increased confidence and capability in the students of the college.
  7. To train students to improve creativity and technical skills.
  8. To provide combination of Practical Learning in Schools and Laboratories with class room teaching.
  9. To train the Learner's/Students to control the students of their class with lovely process by which they can have a good command over their students. while they would be studying in their classes.


Photo for Lab and Library Facilites

Biometric Attendance of Student

Staff List

Balance Sheet

Fee Structure

Additional Facilities

Counsil Hyperlink

Studnets Details list 2020- 21

Studnets Details list 2021- 22

Income and Expenditure

Building Infrastructure

Senctioned Programe (Jiwaji NCTE, B.Ed, D.Ed., M.P. Board)



Library Books and Journals

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